Rise Recovery offers a safe, tranquil and healthy environment to support recovery from addictions. We understand as parents that you may feel overwhelmed and uncertain about where to turn to. We want the best for our children, we want to help them, know they are safe while being assisted and be comforted in the knowledge that the treatment is developmentally and age-appropriate. We offer all that and much more.

Rise Recovery Centre is a safe recovery space for adolescents, and you can rest assured of the best care and intervention for them during their admission period.

Addiction is on the rise among South African youth.
Rise Recovery Rehabilitation Centre

Some Of The Many Addictions Affecting Our Teenagers.

An advanced approach to addiction treatment empowers teenagers on their path to recovery.

Social Media

Research indicated over five years ago that Facebook, Twitter and other social media can be more addictive than tobacco and alcohol because, among other things, access to them is simple and free. They indicated that the developer of the iPad, iPod and iPhone himself, Steve Jobs, restricted usage time of his own children! Many experts assert that the use of social media – and that includes instant messaging services – underpin serious addictions and translate into associated consequences inclusive of: irritability, isolation, detachment from relationships and loss of control. The very reason adolescents reach for social media (connection) often becomes quite the opposite, leaving them feel isolated, self-conscious and bullied.

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The South African Anxiety and Depression Group (Sadag) said age 12-years was the average age for drug dependency in South Africa. Adolescents are exposed to  drugs in many settings and whilst peer pressure contribute heavily to exposure, a myriad of other factors are also present. The combination of readily available household products, mixed with illegal substances are creating affordability to drugs which hold extensive health ramifications. Lack of supervision and control in public spaces also translate into minors gaining access to these substances at a much younger age.

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Gaming Addiction has reached such distressing numbers that it is already classed as an illness by the World Health Organisation (WHO). It is characterised by impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities to the extent that gaming takes precedence over other activities.  Gaming addiction occurs when teens prioritize gaming over every other thing including their personal and educational lives — leading to unhealthy gaming behaviour and dependency. The behaviour pattern must significantly impair personal, family, social, educational or other areas of functioning and must be evident for at least 12 months.  

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Experts identify ultra-processed foods, as the culprit: sugary drinks, salty snacks, processed meats, pre-packaged biscuits, sweets, chocolates and fast foods — usually high in added hydrogenated fats, sugar and salt, as well as additives, flavourings, colorants, all of which are there to create an addictive “bliss point” for the consumer. Our collective addiction to UPFs begins in childhood, fuelled, often by advertising and marketing by food manufacturers, especially targeting children. It is a global issue and playing out prominently in South Africa especially given child obesity rates and rising conditions such as Diabetes.

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An addiction with sex includes compulsive behaviour where there is a loss of control and an adolescent spends large amounts of time engaging in sexual-related activity to the point where he or she is neglecting other responsibilities. An addiction to sex includes obsessive thoughts about sex that disrupt functioning at school, home or at the work place; an inability to refrain from viewing pornography or engaging in sexual behaviour and avoiding time with friends or other typical teen activities to instead spend time on the computer or have sexual encounters.

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Half of the South Africa’s teenagers use alcohol. Adolescents are exposed to alcohol in many settings and whilst peer pressure contribute heavily to exposure, a myriad of other factors are also present. The combination of readily available household products, mixed with illegal substances are creating affordability to drugs which hold extensive health ramifications. Lack of supervision and control in public spaces also translate into minors gaining access to these substances at a much younger age.

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Exercise causes the release of certain chemicals in the nervous system. These chemicals create a sense of pleasure or reward. Exercise addiction may be, in part, a dependence on this pleasure response. Extreme weight loss and health conditions related to weight loss could result from exercise addiction.

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Shopping addiction is known as omniomania. Of all the addictions, it is the most reinforced by the media, advertising, billboards, and consumerism in general. Shopping addiction usually begins in late adolescence. A shopping addiction is often a way to cope with experienced stress but when it becomes excessive, it severely affects finances, relationships and functioning. The act of buying is often preceded by a feeling of depression, tension, or boredom, according to the journal Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. The act of buying gives compulsive shoppers a ‘rush’ or a feeling of euphoria, but it seldom lasts.

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“Our children are our greatest treasure. They are our future.”

Nelson Mandela

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Teen Addiction News

The Five Stages Of Addiction Recovery

Pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. Pre-contemplation Stage People who are in the first stage of addiction recovery aren’t yet ready for any addiction treatment

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Teen Addiction News

The Four Stages Of Addiction

Stage One: Experimentation One of the trickiest aspects of addiction is recognizing that often the first samples of drugs or alcohol produce few or no


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